When you lie down with a short prayer, commit yourself into the hands of your Creator and when you have done so, trust Him with yourself, as you must do when you are dying.

Better to trust the man who is frequently in error than the one who is never in doubt.

I have complete artistic control, and I just do my best album every time and trust it to fate.

Apart from a few simple principles, the sound and rhythm of English prose seem to me matters where both writers and readers should trust not so much to rules as to their ears.

It’s difficult to get started-when it comes to dealing with an unknown quantity, people are reluctant to trust their own opinion. It helps if two or three people give you a boost.

I was no chief and never had been, but because I had been more deeply wronged than others, this honor was conferred upon me, and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust.

But trust me, if I lived in the ’80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.

The press is the hired agent of a monied system, and set up for no other purpose than to tell lies where their interests are involved. One can trust nobody and nothing.

People don’t trust the federal government as it relates to health care.