Though I had success in my research both when I was mad and when I was not, eventually I felt that my work would be better respected if I thought and acted like a ‘normal’ person.

The one phrase you can use is that success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan.

A sign now of success with a certain audience when you do a short comedy piece, anywhere, is that it gets on YouTube and gets around. It’s always something you’re thinking about unconsciously.

My ambition was to stop waiting tables. That was how I measured success: finally, I was able to stop waiting tables, and I was able to pay the rent, and that was by being a stand-up comic. Not a very good stand-up comic, but good enough to make a living.

You can take Elvis. You can take Marilyn Monroe. Success and fame will not be the answer if something inside of you is bothering you, if things in your mind aren’t going right.

I always say be humble but be firm. Humility and openness are the key to success without compromising your beliefs.

Honesty is the most single most important factor having a direct bearing on the final success of an individual, corporation, or product.

Independent films have a very different cachet than success films.

Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get.