They say everything you go through in your childhood builds character and inner strength.

There is a lot of strength and intelligence in Hollywood.

My mother was the dearest, sweetest angel. She didn’t talk she sang. She was a tower of strength.

If a weakly mortal is to do anything in the world besides eat the bread thereof, there must be a determined subordination of the whole nature to the one aim no trifling with time, which is passing, with strength which is only too limited.

Use gentle means before you come to extremity, and whatever lesson you work him, and never take above half his strength, nor ride him till he is weary, but a little at a time and often.

Usually I write about what I care about, which is a weakness but I think also a strength.

Our strength in finance has led us to set up an international financial centre with medium and long-term objectives, especially to develop Islamic financial and insurance services.

What is called a sincere work is one that is endowed with enough strength to give reality to an illusion.

I’ve come to the conclusion that beautiful women in the West aren’t comfortable finding strength in their femininity. They want to do masculine-oriented things to establish their femininity. It’s a contradiction.