Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.

My theory is if you have a religion, it’s a good one. Because some people don’t have any at all.

I’m not embarrassed about the novels I wrote when I was younger, but I couldn’t write them today because of my religion.

All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by. religion, whatever else it has done, has provided one of the main ways of meeting this abiding need.

No philosophy, no religion, has ever brought so glad a message to the world as this good news of Atheism.

Indian religion has always felt that since the minds, the temperaments and the intellectual affinities of men are unlimited in their variety, a perfect liberty of thought and of worship must be allowed to the individual in his approach to the Infinite.

The engine of ancient society was religion but the engine of contemporary society, as I see it, is advertising.

The artist himself may not think he is religious, but if he is sincere his sincerity in itself is religion.