We discussed politics, but we also talked about the importance of hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, keeping your word. Those lessons stay with you throughout your life.

There’s a rule of thumb in politics. If you’re at a point where you’re complaining about the other guy being mean and unfair and uncivil, that’s probably a sign that you’re losing.

I think to be in politics you have to have the taste for blood on that.

When you’re young, with less on the line, it’s easier to be audacious, to experiment. So I introduced the concerns of my generation – politics, sex, drugs, rock-and-roll, etc. – to the comics page, which for many years caused a rolling furor.

Politics is the conspiracy of the unproductive but organized against the productive but unorganized.

You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.

The United States brags about its political system, but the President says one thing during the election, something else when he takes office, something else at midterm and something else when he leaves.

I’m pleased to offer analysis of public policy and politics to the millions of Americans who get their news from Fox.

I did not resign from politics because of Bofors. I resigned because I do not know how to play petty politics. I did not know back then and I don’t know now either.