It is thus tolerance that is the source of peace, and intolerance that is the source of disorder and squabbling.

Rwanda was considered a second-class operation because it was a small country, we had been able to maintain a kind of status quo. They were negotiating, they’d accepted the new peace project, so we were under the impression that everything would be solved easily.

Peace on earth would mean the end of civilization as we know it.

You are not going to get peace with millions of armed men. The chariot of peace cannot advance over a road littered with cannon.

I know of no more important subject to the peace of Europe and the world than the reasonable reduction of armaments, especially in Europe, and of naval armaments throughout the world.

Maybe it’s like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace.

I have many times asked myself whether there can be more potent advocates of peace upon earth through the years to come than this massed multitude of silent witnesses to the desolation of war.

Political satire became obsolete when they awarded Henry Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize.