Music is love, love is music, music is life, and I love my life. Thank you and good night.

Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.

Even from a listening end now, I’m still completely a fan of music.

Music’s staying power is a function of how timeless the lyrics, song and production are.

Bluegrass has brought more people together and made more friends than any music in the world. You meet people at festivals and renew acquaintances year after year.

In America, life is introverted, self-absorbed – and so is their music.

I started writing rhymes first and then put it to the music. I figured out I could lock it to the beat better if I heard the music first. I like to get a lot of tracks, put the track up and let the music talk to me about what it’s about.

Country music is important to me, and I love it, but it’s not my whole life.

Everywhere in the world, music enhances a hall, with one exception: Carnegie Hall enhances the music.

I wanted to take up music, so my father bought me a blunt instrument. He told me to knock myself out.