Truth isn’t all about what actually happens but more about how what has happened is interpreted.
Author: Byron Pulsifer
Look forward to spring as a time when you can start to see what nature has to offer once again.
You can be what you want to be. You have the power within and we will help you always.
Courage is not about taking risks unknowingly but putting your own being in front of challenges that others may not be able to.
Fear of failure is one attitude that will keep you at the same point in your life.
What you give is what you get.
Everyone can taste success when the going is easy, but few know how to taste victory when times get tough.
If you cannot be silent be brilliant and thoughtful.
To be thoughtful and kind only takes a few seconds compared to the timeless hurt caused by one rude gesture.
Adversity isn’t set against you to fail; adversity is a way to build your character so that you can succeed over and over again through perseverance.